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The Ballad of Mosey Burns

Foreward by Gerry Formanger:
        Hi, folks, I'm Gerry Formanger, and I've written this tune about a gentleman and good friend.
Most of you think a lot of Mosey, as I do. This song is not to poke fun at the old gentleman,
but to pay a little tribute to a man whose name will stay with us for many, many years to come.
I call him the "Well-known Stranger".

Come all ye folks and listen to a story I will tell,
About a man who walks the streets, the streets of Stephenville.
He wears three shirts, two overcoats, his beard is mighty long.
It's Mosey Burns I'm speaking of, a legend of our town.

One day I had a talk with Mose, he told me of his life,
About the folks he knew from Harmon Field, the captain and his wife.
Mose said the captain said to him "Where are all the indians at?"
And Mose replied with a laugh and grin "They're not all left Harmon yet!"

He said to me "Have you ever heard of the Stephenville Crossing train?".
I said "My son, I've heard that one, but tell it to me again".
He said "Just give me a little coin so I can buy some tea".
And he told me jokes I'd never heard and kept me company.

The train she left old Port Aux Basques with fifty girls on board.
She crossed the rugged Codroy Flats along our old seaboard
The Bullet travelled so darn fast the girls got a helluva scare.
By the time she got to The Crossing, boys, they lost their underwear.

He said the police asked him one time where there was a moonshine ring.
"You tell us, Mose, who makes the stuff and we'll give you everything".
Mose said "But just you give me cash and then I'll tell you right".
And when they did Mose said to them "God makes the moon shine bright".

A boat come into Harmon Port and Mose was standing by.
The captain he come out on deck and Mose said "Hi ya, b'y".
The captain said in angry tone "Where are all the savages at?".
And Mose replied in a laughing voice "They're not all off your boat yet".

God bless this man and keep him safe as he walks along our streets.
When he knocks upon your door sometime just give him a bite to eat.
Ask him to tell a joke or two I'm sure he'll make you laugh,
And when he leaves just wish him well please too on my behalf,
And when he leaves just wish him well please too on my behalf.

####.... Gerry Formanger ....####